Monday, February 12, 2018

we are back, and we brought a freind

Its been 4  years since i posted anything but we are back.

      We have moved from our beloved Unity Mtn farm.

      At first we wintered over in a small off grid cabin on a pond in in Springfield NH for 1 yr and 2 months. It was a place that I yearn to be back at every day. It had all you needed and nothing you didn't. Pure simplicity. And pure cold, as it afforded no insulation at all. Winter was a challenge but we survived and it changed us for the better.                           

      Before we made the move to the camp, we took in another mouth to feed in the form of of a Australian cattle dog puppy we named Chance. We named him after John Wayne's character in Rio Bravo. Like all my canines, he had to be employed as I don't offer welfare or Obama phones to my dogs. They have to contribute to the greater good. In Chances case that means finding the one thing I covet above all else...shed antlers. Yup Chance would be trained to shed hunt.

     His first season was a triumphant success. At just 9.5 months old Chance found his first shed on March 12 2017. A small moose shed. I will never forget it, we were heading down the mtn at about 4:30, and Chance was bouncing from one side of the tote rd to the other when he focused on a tangle of beech and balsam. As he dove in I could hear the tell tale sounds of teeth on moose paddle, and then he popped back out with his first shed! He ran up to me and I was so proud, all the training , all the days and nights after work paid off. He ended up with 8 his first season. So now I have entered the realm of shed hunting with a dog, and can't imagine ever going without him.

                   We also embarked on "The Quest for 200". It's a documentary and reality film about the challenge of finding, hunting and ultimately killing a 200 lb NH buck.  See videos here

                                                                                                                                                                                   I have also accepted the responsibilities of el Presidente of NH Shed Hunter's Club once again.                                 
              James has taking the reins from Roscoe Blaisdell of the NH Antler and Skull trophy club and has a massive amount on his plate. We will continue to run NHSHC , but NHASTC will be handling all records and measuring from here on in. Thanks to my boy James and we wish him luck in his future endeavors and we stand with you 1000%.
               OK.... 2018
               First, as always we will be at the April 7th Sportsmen's Event at Trinity Baptist Church on Clinton street in Concord. Come down, this is great show, all the vendors give it their all. We will have a show stopper of a display and some new faces plus a real superstar of the shed world and NHSHC member Mike Guillemette.

            We will posting all of Chances shed hunting adventures with pics and videos here on the blog and also on my Rob Richardson Jr NH Shedhunter Facebook page . Come over to the NHSHC Facebook page and show us yours!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Glad to have you back...Chance is a love.