I talked to so many people that my brain hurt at the end of the day. I did meet now new member Carter Heath and his son. We talked at length about shedding, wheres and whens He even told me his brother lives in my home town. Greatguys, and I can definitely see some team antler hunting in our future.
The one thing I noticed and really was encouraged by was all the kids that were interested in all the activities of the day. They came by the booth asked great questions and shared their shed hunting stories, it was great, the next generation getting interested in this.
I think having a kids outdoor and antler hunting seminar day is something that the club should do to reach out to the next generation.
Members Nancy and Dana Fogarty had brought this up at the annual meet this year at our 'round the table discussion and I've been thinking about this ever since. I think it's time start turning it into reality.
If anyone has any Ideas on this email me.
Now before I go I personally want to thank some very important people who have been so far instrumental to the club'ssuccess.
Chris Holmes who I believe has Been hunting antlers with me before I started this club thing. He built our display wall(which is totally awesome) and his lovely wife Lisa for making us a feast of a breakfast that morning.
Steve Bittner for helping with set up, financials and most of allbeing a good friend putting up with my insanity.
And Nancy and Dana Fogarty and Earl Gaudette for Being involved in the club, Giving up their personal time to attend and spreading the word and to Earl for donating those awesome hiking sticks to the club. (we still have some if anyone will be in the Keene/Brattleboro area and wants to get one)
In closing ,good luck during the hunting season ( Dana and Nancy, get a real big one!) and soon the bones will be dropping